Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Hunger Games

Everyone who was walking into the theater to see The Hunger Games was ready to judge and compare the book to the movie. The stress the cast and directors where under must have been immense. The directors knew what they were doing and they pulled out all the stops. With you already defensive about Primrose, and with your own feelings about the Capital, they knew how to voice it well through the actors. Even those who read the book and thought they knew what they were walking into where still on their toes because really, no one knew what was around the corner. When you first heard Katniss yell "I volunteer as tribute" it made you want to stand and clap, but you also knew what was coming for her. From the way District 12 looked to how, “Girl on Fire” was presented in the chariot rides, was all new for us. We had our own opinions of what everything looked like but for once we were able to watch the entire thing unfold. When you first saw the arena it looked just how the book described it. From all the trees and the Tracker Jackers to the wall of fire chasing Katniss to how well we saw Peeta blend in with his surroundings. We saw a Peeta grow into a fighter and protector and how Katniss fought for others even with the knowledge of there only being one victor. We were right along side Haymitch and his desire to get both district 12 representatives a fighting chance. You felt the same emotions Katniss felt, from scared to stressed, to just plane tired because there was a lot of running. At the same time you were experiencing the ups and the downs of each individual character. From the very first scene to the credits you where really wanting to simple phrase to come true for them all, “May the odds be ever in your favor."

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Amazing Spiderman

The number one question in our mind from the moment we saw the trailer up until we where in our seats waiting for the lights to dim and the movie to start, was we wondered just how amazing will the “The Amazing Spiderman”  be? With the major twists the directors took by using new actors and villains, we all went into the theater thinking how is this going to turn out? With the brand new face of Peter Parker it was easy to tell that this movie wasn’t going to follow the footsteps the previous Spiderman movies set. Instead the new Spiderman cleared those footprints and paved their own way. You immediately fell in love with Gwen Stacy and Peter as a couple! The fact that people and things came in the way of them being a couple only added to the suspense of the story. In a movie with mystery, love, and a touch of comedy where can you go wrong? You can’t, your mind was never lead off to wondering just how many texts you’ve gotten so far during the movie, or what you’re going to eat for dinner next Friday, that simply wasn’t the case. Jam packed with action, intensity and element of surprise, it made for one great movie. For most viewers “The Amazing Spiderman” truly lived up to its title.